Offices and Awards
Offices held
In Shadowed Stars
Chatelaine for one year
In Rivenstar
Founded and hosted the Rivenstar Scriptorium from 1999 to 2003
Webminister for seven years
Deputy herald from April 2022 to present
Baronial Awards
2001, Order of the Silver Acorn: for scribal arts
2002, Order of the Rivenstar: for forming and operating the Rivenstar Scriptorium
2021, Order of the Guiding Star: for inspiring others in the face of adversity
Kingdom Awards
Award of Arms, April 8, 2000: For making a period kite and participation in the Rivenstar Madrigal Singers
Order of the Willow, July 27, 2002: For skill in the scribal arts
Order of the Evergreen, May 10, 2003: for skill and teaching of the scribal arts, especially the formation and operation of the Rivenstar Scriptorium.
Award of the Doe's Grace, September 13, 2003: for service as "royal scribe" to the court of Pieter van Doorn and Nan Astrid of York.
Award of the Purple Fret, April 30, 2005: for service as a herald to House Darkyard on Legio Draconis
​Royal Augmentation of Arms (a pen Or), September 23, 2017: For assistance during the reign of William of Fairhaven and Isolde de la Ramee in presenting over 800 awards, with a scroll for each recipient.
Approximately two hundred scribes were given this honor as part of their service during this reign.
Award of the Sapphire, January 15, 2022, for inspiration to the scribal community and others.
Order of the Laurel, September 3, 2022 (calligraphy and illumination)
Group awards
Award of the Grove to the Rivenstar Scriptorium, May 10, 2003
Other recognition
The Principality of Cynagua, West Kingdom, sent a scroll of thanks to the Rivenstar Scriptorium for their assistance in reducing the principality's scroll backlog, providing recipients with scrolls for awards that in some cases had been bestowed more than twenty years prior.